
Chief Executive
Candidate information




Thank you for taking the time to visit this website and find out more about the role of Chief Executive here at Rother District Council.

This is the key leadership role within our organisation and we will look to our new Chief Executive inspire the very best from colleagues in supporting our ambitions for our district. It’s essential that they can win confidence and trust within and beyond the council and can bring a breadth of perspective and experience to the role.

You’ll build on work already underway to enhance the customer experience – ensuring that our services are designed around people and not processes, and that we measure success against the outcomes we achieve. You’ll help to shape a modern, flexible workforce that gets the very best from our staff and our facilities.

I expect that this individual will already have a good track record in leading change across different service areas and will come with plenty of initial ideas; but they will also recognise the importance of tailoring their approach to our setting. This role is about operational and cultural change – using new technology and operating models; but also working with and through staff to encourage and enable new approaches.

I believe that this role presents a really exciting career opportunity for someone who shares our values and is passionate about driving change and improvement. This is a great organisation with much to offer from a professional perspective. And in Rother you’ll find great coastal destinations and unspoilt countryside, with plenty going on all year round. Together they add up a great offer.

The Council has engaged Solace in Business to support this important appointment process. I encourage you to contact them on 020 7976 3311 to find out more. Good luck in your application!


Doug Oliver

Leader of the Council